Here at Cornerstone Assembly you can expect to be part of our moving worship service on Sunday morning. We believe in the power and move of the Holy Spirit. Praise focuses our hearts on Jesus, worship acknowledges who He is in our lives, and prepares us to receive His teaching and allow Him to change our lives! Our Sunday evening services are another gathering of the faithful, to praise and worship the Lord and receive from Him. We know that we have a God-sized vision to see Weiser shaken and turned upside down for the glory of God. Connect with one of our growing ministries to see how you can be apart of the vision!

Our Mission
Reach out to the lost, restore the broken, and revive the spiritually dying … to a vibrant, spirit-filled life in Christ Jesus!
We have an attitude of come as you are at Cornerstone Assembly. Our Nursery is provided at every service for children from infants to @ 4 years old. We also have children’s church after the offering every Sunday morning. Wednesday night we have age appropriate children’s ministries for children in grades K – 5th.

If you like to study the Word of God and how it relates to the issues we all face, Wednesday evening we have in-depth Adult Bible Study, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, week by week.

If you like to study the Word of God and how it relates to the issues we all face, Wednesday evening we have in-depth Adult Bible Study, verse by verse, chapter by chapter, week by week.

The Women’s Ministries at Cornerstone Assembly meet monthly on the second Monday at 7:00 p.m. We also have scheduled craft nights and activities with special speakers and events throughout the year. Our goal is to live a life of victory and encouragement while being the “Community’s Hope In

ManUp Ministries
The ManUp Ministries at Cornerstone Assembly meets the first Saturday of the month at 8:30am. Our desire is to help men have the courage to explore and begin their walk with Christ, the strength to develop the lifestyle that enhances the discipleship patterns of Christ, and the endurance to live a victorious life that allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.